For foreign, film, and other rights inquiries, or if you are an author seeking a blurb, please contact:
Merrilee Heifetz at Writers House, LLC.
If you would like to request an appearance, please contact The Author Village here.
If you are a reader who would like signed books, please order from Malaprops (they ship internationally!). If you are a reader who would like an advanced reader copy of one of my novels, please contact the publisher of that novel or subscribe to my newsletter to learn of giveaways.
PO Box 27, Union MIlls, NC 28167

Press kit, coming soon
One-sheet with information on all three Across the Universe books
Image Files:
To get a hi-res image of Beth's book covers, click the link, then select the pop-up box in the corner of the image. A hi-res download file option will appear.
Across the Universe | A Million Suns | Shades of Earth |
The Body Electric | A World Without You | Star Wars: Rebel Rising | Give the Dark my Love | Bid My Soul Farewell | Blood & Feathers
Paper Hearts, Volume 1 | Paper Hearts, Volume 2 | Paper Hearts, Volume 3 | Paper Hearts Workbook | Paper Hearts Journal
Hi-res image files of Beth Revis for media use: